Celebrating 10 Years of Source

Written By: JoAnne Tobias

Source turned 10 in 2020. As we look forward to celebrating in person this year; for now, we’ll just quietly look back and take in this huge milestone. 

Looking back, we’re honored to realize we’ve grown from a small partnership into one of the key builders of commercial office space in the Bay Area. If you look up at any high rise in San Francisco, chances are we’ve worked on it.

No matter how much our headcount grows, or how far our footprint expands, we’re still committed to the basics. We built our culture around careful planning, constant learning, and doing what it takes to deliver work that people feel proud of.

As we celebrate 10 years of Source, let’s look back on some of our milestones. 

 2010: June 8th Officially Incorporated

Founders Sam Perry, Chris Demos, and Bryce Harstad had worked together before and respected each other’s perspectives and unique skill sets. They came together with a vision of creating a better way to do commercial construction.

2010: September 1st Move Into Office on Montgomery St.

Suite #103 now officially belongs to Source. We moved our small crew in and got to work. At the time it was just a single office; we didn’t realize that in a few years we’d expand across the hall and that by 2020, we’d go nuts knocking down walls - creating our headquarters. 

2011: January 10th Hired First Employee

We wanted a team that felt like family. Jerry Martinez was the first to come on board. To this day, he’s still a Superintendent at Source. That first year, our small team spent many late nights eating pizza and pouring over papers, planning, and plotting and developing benchmarks for success. 

2012: Developed Strong Partnerships

This was a big year for us. We started working with well-known companies like Boston Properties, Hines, and Cushman & Wakefield. We dedicated ourselves to these accounts and saw them transform into long-term, ongoing partnerships.

2012: Won Highly Competitive Bids

Our first big project win meant a lot to the team. When we closed a deal with Universal McCann, we metaphorically stepped up another rung on the ladder. The competition for the contract was fierce, but Source was picked among other respected firms in the industry. See the beautiful project we did for Universal McCann.

2014: Source Invites Families into the Fold

We’re not just about big wins; we’re also about big hearts. As the Source team expanded, we wanted to bring everyone together and get to know each other’s better halves and cuter offspring. The Source Family Picnic started this year and old-timers and newbies alike look forward to it every September. Each year the meals, the friendships, and the crazy competitive games grow more and more elaborate.

2014: Beyond the Bay Area

We expanded our project range beyond the Bay Area. Source took on a project in San Diego with Duane Morris. We’re now working up and down the California coast.

2019: Doubled our Growth

2019 was a record year of growth. We doubled our employees and had record-breaking revenue growth.

2019: Doubled our Giving

In October, we had our biggest year of fundraising. Source has been part of the annual Leap Sandcastle Classic event since 2012. We love helping local Bay Area students - and we love getting our hands dirty building sandcastles.

2020: Navigating Pandemic 

When COVID-19 struck, we shifted our teams to remote work until we could get them safely back on site. Building for our clients and keeping our community safe is our top priority as we continue to keep our projects moving throughout this pandemic.

Ironically, 2020 is also the year we fully expanded our Source Headquarters! No more walls, a lot more employees.

Thank you for being part of an exciting decade. We look forward to another decade of building good things together.